Should I shave my poor excuse of a goatee?

Should I have my goatee? I am worried that if I do, I will get more of those “baby-faced” comments that I always seem to get. Asides from that, any suggestions to look older. I am nearly 24 and I can’t grow facial hair to save me life.

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Answer #1

dude, take advantage of the baby-face stuff, I did. I looked like a teenager until I was in my 30’s. People used to stop me and ask why I wasn’t in school. When I was 29 my boss asked me if I was graduating that year? I got carded for cigarettes until I was 32. I had a neighbor 15 years younger than me that could walk into a bar and get a drink no prob… AND when you get older, you will still look younger…

shave off the go-t and go with a soul-patch or a chin beard… if you want to look radical get a buzzcut or shave your head. If you go with the shave just make sure you can get a tan on it quick because the 1st time you shave your head the skin is ghostly white… booo

Answer #2

No man keep the goatee going strong lol I used to have one but my mate shaved it when I was passed out lol

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