Questions about weed should not be banned

some people need serious help with it, maybe they need help knowing whether or not to do it, if people can answer questions about masterba ting, which I think is nasty, then people can help others with tough decisions like that, you can choose whether or not to answer it, but are you really going to deny help to someone who really needs it just because it’s on a subject you disagree on? As nasty a habit you my think it is, it is better than many drugs and people need to know things about it maybe from personal experience, we answer your questions so do everyone a favor and answer theirs.

Answer #1

Oh I know I was just cotradicting someone else who wants it banned and telling them exactly why it shouldn’t be banned.

Answer #2

what exactly are you going on about? questions on weed arent banned on this site?

Answer #3

I believe that only questions regarding how to procure weed or grow it are the only types of weed questions that are banned. Questions about its pros and cons and HOW to smoke it aren’t banned, I don’t think.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #4

what happens when its up to you to keep them from smoking weed, but no they smoke it, more then they should, think they can fly because they have no clue how much they should smoke so they smoke more than they should and they feel like super man and jump off a building, but wait, the fire department comes in the knick of time to save his but, they bring him down safely and then BAM he jumped in front of a car in his dillusional state thinking he should start it all because he coudn’t get the advice he needed on a website that gives much needed advice because the question most important to him was banned… (sigh)

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