What's the name of this hairstyle?

This is not really mine but I’m going to get my hair this way, and dye it black. I just need to know what it is called, could anyone tell me what the name of this hairstyle is?

Answer #1

Haha im 14 as well, My brother had that hair on his chin but wont shave it cause he thinks it looks manly.. It don’t. Lol.

I see many people in my school with that kind of hair and some have facial hair and some don’t.. I think it looks good either wayy! (:

Answer #2

I’m only 14 lol, I got a small one, and a small patch of what I call “billy goat hair” on my chin lol, but I shave it. I don’t think I’d look good with my emo haircut with facial hair

Answer #3

Hehe! : D


Do you have a mustache?

Answer #4

Didnt know there were actually names for that.. All my hair dresser tells me to do is bring in a picture cause then they know exactly what you want.

Answer #5

Oh, I’m sorry I did not really know about the hairstyles, just the fact that I want that bad. My hair is growing out right now, gotta wait about 2 months or so… :X

Answer #6

Piccies (:

Answer #7

no :x

Answer #8

Yes yes (:

Answer #9

lol :D

Answer #10

yeah :D

Answer #11

Guys in eyeliner is hott! Eyeliner suits some.. but not all. I believe with that style + eyeliner would be awesomee. (: (: (:

Answer #12

yep, it’s A7marc@aol.com

Answer #13

woops let me send you the adress in the funmail

Answer #14

hounny,…its a scene hair cut, just bring a picture to the beautician

Answer #15

wait my mom does, ill use hers rofl.

Answer #16

Well im assuming that lol

Answer #17

wait my mom does, ill use hers rofl.

Answer #18

Aww, my straightener iis my lifee! When guys straighten their hair.. Thats hot. ;p

Answer #19

Its a LOVELY hair style, you must get it, when your hair grows out and whatnot (:

Answer #20

Thats awesome! ;p You have a straightener?

Answer #21

Yay! I was going to say that I wanted PICCIES! Wooo! :b :p

Answer #22

Haha good ideaa!! It takes only two months for your hair to grow? I wish mine would grow that fassstt! XD

Answer #23

Haha, you going strraight to the Emo look?

Answer #24

I don’t know what is called but I don’t think it’s a nice hire style

Answer #25

I’ll be sure to update my pictures when I do :-D

Answer #26

I don’t know but I really is a hot hair style I would date any guy who had his hair like that

Answer #27

Whoopie! Do you have MSN?

Answer #28

oooh. do you think eyeliner would look more awesome too with the hairstyle?

Answer #29

I fun mail-ed you. (:

Answer #30

:D woot :D

Answer #31

thanks :D

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