Is a "middle name" a nickname or your dad's name?

Answer #1

As for mine, my middle name is the same as my auntie’s middle name

Answer #2

A middle name doesn’t have to be either of those, everyone’s parents choose what they want it to be for different reasons. My Mum gave me my middle name “Rose” because it went with my first name. As for my sister though, her first name is my Dad’s first name and my Mum’s middle name combined and her middle name is my grandmother’s first name.

Answer #3

sometimes they end up beinng nicknames if the first name is long and or hard to say.. but it doesnt have to be related at all

Answer #4

A ‘middle name’ is your second name. You can have as many middle names as your parent’s want to give you but most people have one or two. Babies are often named after a grandparent, parent or family friend through their middle name. Most people have middle names although I do know a few people without them (just a first name and a last name). My full name is Renee Dionne Lamb. My middle name being Dionne.

Answer #5

My middle name is Yvette and my christian name is Amy so my name is Monique Yvette Amy Lim xD

Answer #6

A lot of times, middle names a family names like “James” is really common in my aunt’s family. My middle name happens to be Alexandria, which is nowhere else in my family but me.

Answer #7

Its not either of those

Answer #8

than what is it

Answer #9

In some culture its father’s name in some culture its simply the nick name !!

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