How do you check your FunMail?

how do you check your fun mail on here

Answer #1

At the top of any page you are on you will see your user name and just to the right of that is a Fun Mail link. You can click on that to get to your Fun Mails.

Note: If you have any UNREAD Fun Mails, there will be a number telling you how many just to the right of it.

Also, not all of Fun Advice’s may work for you if you haven’t yet “confirmed” your email address.

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  Friendship is continuous!

Those whom I meet, as Friends I greet, And as a Friend I treat them so; That when in need, or sadly grieved, I may help their Spirits grow.

So when I hear, upon my ear, The sounds of troubled Souls; I can do no less, then to do my best, To help them toward their goals.

And I know I’ll find, with the passage of time, That I’ve helped their Spirits grow some; And though appreciated, thanks aren’t awaited, For my friends are always welcome.

Answer #2

Yeah, or when you go on your profile in the top left hand corner will be a button that says ‘check my funmail’

Answer #3

there’s a button at the top of the screen that says funmail… you shall click that!!

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