How can I face my fear?

I’m not scared of anything that I know of except one thing. That isnt the dark, heights, closterphobia, hell, I love all those things! But the ONE thing, the ONLY one thing (that I know of) that im afraid of is rejection. Im not just talking about asking sumone out, im talking about sumthin as simple as asking sumone if I could have a bite of their food rejection. I have this fear that people will reject and think of me poorly for ever asking, and this occurs when I meet new people because of course I wanna meet new people but im scared that when I walk up to them, tell them hi, that they’ll put there hand in my face and be like “I dont wanna talk 2 u!” and then turn around tell their friend of what I did -_- I know, it pathetic, but I try m damn best to face it, it just never happens.

Answer #1

In all honesty, this is something we all fear sometimes. No one really wants to be rejected. I don’t think any of us like having others look down on us, either.

With that being said, my way of dealing with this is that I ask myself a question. What’s the worst that could happen? If they say no, it’s not the end of the world. Things will not come crashing down. Life, as we know it, will not come to a stop. You can and will move past it. And if they’re going to tell a friend? So be it. It won’t be the end of you either. You just have to pick up and move on from it.

I guess my way of looking at it may be a little strong, but if you care about every single thing that happens, it will be the end of you. You can’t let people or your fears hold you back. You’re not pathetic for being scared, mind you, but you just can’t let it control you.

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