hey have you gone halloween shopping yet?

just hit a few stores the other day w. my friend jasmine [everybody say hiii jazzz] anyway, I have no idea what I want to be this year. any ideas, any cool pics, any halloween stories, anything, post it up =)

Answer #1

last year one of my friends dressed up as Tyrone, the crackhead from the Chapelle Show and he put white stuff around his lips it was hilarious. He came out looking JUST like him. the entire parade people would pull him and take pictures with him. we took, no joke 68 pictures with different people.


Answer #2

Hiii Jazzz! Well, I want to be Dick Cheney and walk around with a shot gun ;-)

Answer #3

lmao nice !! I’m liking the di[=x]k cheney idea lmao…

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