Ghosts or sprits in your house...

has n-e body felt like it was evil sprits or good sprits walking around the house or apt yu live in??

Answer #1

all the time

Answer #2

yea sadly ima medium and I can hear them and see them my mom is always doin witch craft so after a while you get use to it

Answer #3

yep all the time

Answer #4

yeah there are ones that will move their hands across my chest and back and putting their hands on my shoulder it doesn’t bother me but I don’t enjoy it ether I keep thinking oh well it makes me feel better and maybe it was once a hot lass or loved one or angel their oviously watching over me and giving me solace whenever im watching dvd’s late at night by myself

Answer #5

I sumtimes feel my grandad in my grandma’s house. it doesnt scare me at all as I know he wouldnt ever hurt me. I think there is a prescence of a small girl in my house but no-onew else seems to feel it :S I just feel something thats maybe not as big as me (I’m nearly 15) is watching . and I can feel it right now ! , x

so I’m sorta in the same position as yuu , I wanna no what others think ! x

Answer #6

I have seen them and heard them, I’m starting to think I have the gift of being a medium…I think we all do, you just have to allow yourself and believe in what you hear and see.

Hmmm Kinda like when I was small and I could swear by it that I saw the tooth fairy and definitely heard Santa wiggling down da chimney wooo hooo! But I grew up in the meantime and knew it WAS all in da mind, hope you realize it soon too!!

Answer #7

Imagination that all !!!

The brain is the most powerfull body part and able to create a lot of crap, IF YOU ALLOW IT !!!

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