How much does your Christmas tree cost; what's a good price?

Answer #1

I usually pay between 150 and 200 dollars

Answer #2

wow thats alot how big is it?

Answer #3

I get 7 to 8 ft, I think u can get like a 5 or 6 ft tree for about 100 dollars. Oh yeah I get real trees

Answer #4

Oh yea thats big 100 i think i seen some for like 50,60 idk my parents always buy the tree but im buying it for the first time this year so i wana get a nice one at a good price.

Answer #5

Ikr. I wud suggest callin around to local tree farms to get a better idea of prices and sizes in ur area. By the way its a nice thing for u to get the tree for ur parents :-)

Answer #6

i dont know how much mine cost because we have a fake one and use it every year

Answer #7

Aw thats no fun iv never had a fake one always been real.

Answer #8

yea im going to do that look around, Yea they dont know it that im going to buy the tree this year=D there gna be surprised cause they gna have some $$$ in there pockets=).

Answer #9

Good luck on finding a good tree, and I’m sure they will appreciate the extra dollars in thr pockets :-)

Answer #10

yea but its cheaper to just have the one tree

Answer #11

Real ones are best :D We pay like 100 bucks or so. Sometimes 75.

Answer #12

i kno they are!=D 75 is a good deal

Answer #13

$45 to $50 about a week before Xmas or $20 about 2 days before Christmas. Our family followed a tradition of the tree going up on Christmas Eve and only staying up for 12 days. But nowadays with the radio stations playing Christmas Carols (sorry - Holiday Songs) as soon as American Thanksgiving is done, the pressure is on to get it up early and start spending money at Wal-Mart so I give in and put it up a week before Christmas now.

Answer #14

Thats cool im thinking of spending no more than 75 i dont think ill spend a 100 on a tree. My fam usually goes looks at lights then listen to christmas songs then get our tree this year im getting it so my parents dont know.

Answer #15

Woah,I get mine for $10 or $20 at wal-mart.o.o :D

Answer #16

Don’t take offense but I don’t shop thr

Answer #17

Really Sarah thats heck good deal =))) do they last awhile??? imlonely walmart is the stuff! deals all the time!

Answer #18

Yeah I know, I just prefer Target, basically same prices and nicer people that work thr, well in my experiance anyways

Answer #19

Oh yea thats understandable target is good to i like them both!=)

Answer #20

joe,you can’t get a huge tree for that price,but I’d imagin that for $50 at the most you could get a really good sized one.:) They have about a 3 year warranty on most of them,but as long as you don’t crash them into walls or stomp on them you can make them last alot longer even.:D imlonely,yeah I’ve had bad experiances there too,but then again I’ve had worse ones at target.I think it really all depends on where you live at.;)

Answer #21

Lol i kno that im willing to pay 50 for a tree ima check out walmart 2row see what they have.=)

Answer #22

i have a fake one, and that cost my husband and i about 25 bucks at rite aid. should have gone to mardens or walmart tho, now we’re thinking about buying a new one next year because ours is smaller.

Answer #23


I have a life conifer tree just in front of the living room window and I just decorate it with weatherproof glitter stuff and lights and leave it where it is.

Then I get some twigs of tan green from the forest nearby and hang them inside for having the tree-scent in the house. And that’s enough for me.

Answer #24

We get real ones, and we pay like $75.

Answer #25

You can buy a live 5-6 foot tree from Home Depot for about $20 to $25. Not sure how much the tree yards charge.

My friend 4 years ago was charging $25 for a 5-6 footer

Personally I go get one in the woods at my friends place.

Answer #26

Wow I can’t imagine paying that much. They go for about $25 for a 5-6ft tree around here :P.

Answer #27

i seen one in target for $99

Answer #28

We get ours a star nurseryfrom like $19.99 - 40

Answer #29

That’s a very good deal=)

Answer #30

I agree

Answer #31

I’ve never had an Xmas tree before, but I’ve seen some while driving by churches for like $20.

Answer #32

About 100 to 200 dollars.

Answer #33

Now that’s the way to do it.:)

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