Why are emo girls short?

I’ve noticed all ‘emo” girls are short. Why is that? Its kind of annoying to only see little petite emo girls. Why doesn’t a tall girl step up?

Answer #1

yo blablabla Half my school is Emo & chick 5’3 isn’t tall I’m 6ft even all the emo chicks in my school are below the average hight of a women(which is now 5’4-5’6)

here’s a question, do you even know what Emo is???

Answer #2

because emo girls have nepolein complexes as to be emoness im tired

Answer #3

there are lots of them, people come in all shapes and sizes …you probably just see too many little kids who dress like there emo

Answer #4

I don’t know but I used to be classified as Emo because I was just different in all aspects but most Emo girls seem to all be short is because we’ve been different our whole lives so why not start something new-ish? Lmao just kidding. I honestly don’t know why most Emo girls are short.

Answer #5

I would think because If you think about it imagine a tall emo chick crying in a cornor. Isn’t that just odd?

Answer #6

I dunno. tall girls look awkward as emos. kind alike shorties look weird trying to be models.

Answer #7

really? how many have you seen? I have not seen one above 5’3. No seriously I want to know.

Answer #8

that’s why they’re Emo! No I’m just kidding, just kidding!! I couldn’t help myself, lol(I have emo friends so back off). I honestly never realized that before, but yeah, it’s true isn’t it, good observation. lol

Answer #9

that isnt true!!

Answer #10

Im a tall emo girl (: well depends what you would call tall really lol.



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