Who won the olympics China or USA

Who won the Olympics China or USA? Now this a question coming out on many people’s mind after the closing ceremony of Beijing Olympics 2008. Is it possible to decide and take a decision on the owner of Olympics 2008. Is it Chin or USA? China has managed to claim most of the gold whereas USA got most combined medals. Now that the Olympics are done, many wonder who won the Olympics? And Sum of all Gold and also Combined medals won by EU countries. What should be criteria to decide who won the Olympic? Your suggestion or comments are awaited. Here is the overall medal standing.

Country Gold Silver Bronze Total China 51 21 28 100 United States 36 38 36 110 Russian Fed 23 21 28 72

Answer #1

china won but usa had a different way of counting the scores but the offical winners were china DAMN GB came 4th oh well we are hosting it next haha

Answer #2

china won the olympics because the winner is who eva has the most gold medals which was china

Answer #3

no doubt china won

Answer #4

Wooo! USA!

Answer #5

there is an olympic commitee and a lot of countrys have resumes in it so a lot of countries own it

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