Whats the quickest way to grow a beard

Whats the best way for a 15 year old to grow a beard fastish enogh

Answer #1

u have to shave your whole face all the time

Answer #2

oh, I’m sorry sweetie, not trying to be mean, it’s a movie from the 80’s where a kid looses his hair and finds “the peanut butter solution” and it grows like crazy. It’s kind of creepy, at least it tramatized me as a child. Just wrote that to be funny.

I don’t really think you can grow hair faster than it naturally will, but keeping hair conditioned so it wont break helps on the head, that all I know. Sorry I’m not much help but good luck! :)

Answer #3

sorry im irish thats slang.moderatly fast I meant

Answer #4

sorry I wanted 2 help but you lost me at [[[ “fastish enogh” ]]] lol

Answer #5

the peanut butter solution

Answer #6

whats that??

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