What job would you pick?

If our world didn’t require a degree for any job, what career would you start tomorrow? What is your dream job?

Answer #1

Novelist…if I could have the novel all written up & ready to go (by me of course, not plagiarized)…that would be cool. Doesn’t require a degree, but does require more patience than I have, it would seem.

Answer #2

Owner of the New England Patriots

Answer #3

A GP definately, I’ve wanted to be one since I was 10

Answer #4

dream job would be a advertising marketing executive or a CEO of a huge company something very business related where I get to be the boss

Answer #5

Social Worker!

Answer #6

Erm..Maybe a supermodel?Or actress?

Answer #7

my dream job is to be a midwifey. that is what I want to be.

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