What could be causing an upset stomach in our dog?

Our dog has beng vomiting x 12 can only drinking water will not eat.

Answer #1

you need to withold its food and water for a day no need to go to vet but if after a day your dog doesnt get better than its time to visit a vet. hoped I help. let me know how your doggie does ok!!:)

Answer #2

Take the dog to the vet…to be throwing up for that many hours, but isn’t “eating” says to me VET TIME! A dog who’s gut is upset may vomit a couple of times, but most of the upset comes in the form or diarreah…You didn’t say what kind of dog, or how big…but a blockage can cause vomiting, straining to eliminate. Look to see his gums are healthy pink, and not pale or bluish.

If this was my dog, he’d be in the vets first pop tomorrow morning.


Answer #3

Make sure you check around the house and make sure she didn’t get into anything like chemicals or potpourri.

Try giving her some plain yogurt. My dog ate potpourri once and when I called poison control they said it would just make her sick to her stomach and that plain yogurt could help settle her stomach.

If you find that she did get into something that you think may be harmful it’s wise to call poison control at 1-800-222-1222 Be ready to give a description of the product.

If she doesn’t start eating within the next day I would take her to the vet and have her check out. There are many different illnesses that could cause her to turn away from food.

xox Sika

Answer #4

maybe it had swollowed something.. you will want to get that dis lodged…l0l

Answer #5

how old is the dog? has the dog had all its shots? Call the vet, it could be several different things.

Answer #6

it started last night and all day, she will drink only is not eating.. she was fine till last night.

Answer #7

how long has this been happening for??

Answer #8

Watch her closely - take her to the vet ER if necessary - not necessary, call the vet tomorrow and see what they say…Good luck !!

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