How can I become prettier and popular?

All of my friends say I’m pretty but all of the boys at my school say I am ugly.There is this boy in my class that I like and we are really good friends but it seems that he thinks I’m ugly.Also, there is a group of popular girls in my class and they think they are perfect!My friends and I tried to start our own popular group, but it didn’t work.The popular girls laughed at us and ever since then they talk about us! CAN YOU PLEASE HELP?!?!

Answer #1

well first you need to accept your self as pretty even though i have never seen you, you should be the opposite of the populars you can still be pretty and all just be silly outrages spontaneous be yourself. there’s a group like that a my school me and my friends be the silly ones the weird one nothing wrong with being yourself and when they start talking about you guys just shrug it off just don’t care about what they say that one power about this group you don’t care about what they they say and every one loves you the boys really like this when girls just be them selves and don’t fake being themselves JUST BE YOUR SELF AND NO ONE ELSE like i say to myself “i’m only me that is all i can be no more no less i don’t need to second guess. “ well lots of fun and luck with that

Answer #2

You need to understand that you are beautiful and you don’t need anyone else to tell you otherwise. Who cares about being popular? That will get you no where in life. Stop caring so much about what those girls think, be happy, hang out with your friends, and love yourself.

Answer #3

Being popular isn’t always the answer. If you have a few good friends why do you need more? Maybe the popular girls are laughing because they are jealous you have a few good/ close friends? Honestly I think the best thing to do is build confidence. Find the thing that makes you feel beautiful. I wouldn’t change to try and make others happy. Just be yourself and believe you are beautiful. I love this one quote: “True beauty is inside, but true intelligence is knowing it.”

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