Is it possible to have more than one passport?

What happens then? Does it make you a citizen of both countries?

Answer #1

A passport is basically your government saying that they checked you out and you seem like a decent person, so they trust you to get on a plane or travel to a different country without embarrassing them or doing something stupid that could get your country in trouble. You only need one, you only get one, only from the country that you are a legal citizen in. I do not know what happens if you have duel citizenship though, you might get two in this case but its more likely that you would just get a little memo in your passport saying your a citizen of another country as well.

Answer #2

If you have multiple citizenships then yes, you can have more than one passport

Answer #3

Yes, you can have passports of different countries it makes you citizen of that specific country. My boyfriend for example has dual citizenship, a belgium passport and a south african passport, so he can vote in both countries and live in both countries for unlimited period of time.

Answer #4

yes i have 2 passports so it is possible…. if you have dual nationality you can have 2 passports (for example you was born in Italy and move to live in the united states and become a resident there then you will have 2 passports).. and so on..

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