Other ways to prevent Cervical Cancer

I’ve always been afraid of disease in general, so if I’m overreacting here, please someone tell me! My mom hasn’t made me go to the doctor for regular pap smears yet, or any at all. I’m 14 and the recommended age to start going is 13-15. I have a serious fear of doctors and hospitals and anything related to that. Every time I go I start crying and I don’t know why. It’s just this FEAR… We have a regular doctor so she has gotten used to me by now, at least. Anyways I never ask my mom about the pap smears because I don’t want to have to go. If I ask her I’m afraid I’ll remind her and she’ll make me go then. I want to hold out as long as possible, maybe even all my life. But I researched the point of pap smears is to check for Cervical Cancer. If it’s caught at the “pre-cancerous” stage it’s 100% treatable, but if it isn’t caught then my chances would be diminished. Pap smears are SERIOUSLY worth it and I don’t want to get cancer and die before I can be successful in life. Wow I know that sounds weird, but when anything gets in the way of my future… Yeah. I think I could get through it if my mom makes me go but if she doesn’t I wouldn’t ask her if I could go. I’m not THAT brave! Still, I would like to know are there any foods or anything I can do to prevent cervical cancer and make it less likely? Like “eat more broccoli!” or “Sleep more!”… ?

Answer #1

Usually PAP smears are done when you start having intercourse, but you should really have your first one before you leave high school, whether you’re sexually active or not.

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