my sisters dog

My sister’s dog is 13 years old. And when she was 2 years old she was hit by a car and hasnt been the same. But as she got older she got worse. She cant get up from laying down sometimes. sometimes we have to help her up. Her breathing is heave and fast when she sleeps. She dont eat much. She dont do much at all. She lay’s around all day unless she has to go to the bathroom, or eat (when she eats) she sticks by myside when im around. She lay where ever I am. And tonight at first I thought she was dreaming but she wasnt making the sounds that she normaly makes. she was just shaking and her eyes went into the back of her head. She wasnt shaking wild just mild shaking. But im worried for her and my sister that she may be dying. I dont know what to do. Also I noticed red bloches on her body. Could that be mange? I dont know.

Answer #1

13 is actually old for a dog. I’m going to state the obvious and say take her to the vet. They may put her to sleep. She may be suffering though and I’m sure you and your sister do not want that.

I’m not sure about the manger question. I’m pretty sure the dog loses hair in the infected area though so unless the spots are hairless I wouldn’t be to worried, but you may want to look it up on google.

About the shaking. I have a young and healthy dog that does the same thing, When he’s laying down and sleeping he sometimes he shakes, or his paws shake, almost like he’s shivering, and if you look sometimes his eyes are rolled back. Our vet told us that was just a dream and that lots of dogs do it. and the reason the eyes are rolled back are because your dog is sleeping and the pupils are avoiding light.

goodluck with your dog. I hope everything turns out okay!

Answer #2

There comes a point where the most loving thing to do is put to sleep - she needs to consult her Vet as to options…Take care !!

Answer #3

but this wasnt any normal shaking, this was different. that is why I knew she wasnt dreaming. but thank you both for everything. it helped me. than you very much.

Answer #4

I’m so sorry…if this is larger dog, then she’s reaching a place where a decision might have to be made to send her on to a better place.

The difficulty in getting up could be simply arthitus, and managable…however, not eating is always a bad sign, and now seizures. Please take her in, and get a blood work up. The blood tells pretty much everything they need to know, in an older dog…

Be prepared for whatever news they may deliver to you…and know that many of us, out here, have walked in these same shoes…



Answer #5

I went throught a situitation with my rott that I adpopted fromt he aspca in septemter. She was 5 years old and after 3 weeks after we adopted her I noticed a lump on her stomach, when we took her in they wanted to do surgery on her and remove the lump and have it tested, we found out that it was malignent cancer and no treatment or more surgery would help because it would just keep comming back, and it actually did satart cut after she healed it was commnig back that quick. so after a month of having her we decided to have her put down instead of letting her suffer through life, I am ready for what ever may come with my sisters dog and will understand fully if they say putting her down is best and will understand my sisters feelings. it will hurt but I will understand. shelbie ( my sisters dog) is a husky and she is just so sweet.

Answer #6

I think everyone covered it, I am just going to add that Please don’t let the dog suffer, as much as it breaks our hearts to let go, the dog should not suffer. The dog is old and should go to a vet for exam and blood work, Your sister may need your support buy she has to remember it is the qualitiy of life that a dog has and not the quantity. Sounds like this dog has had a great life and now is just getting old

Answer #7

O0ohk my dog was cocker spaniel and was 14 years old and had autritus and couldn’t walk…and we had to put her to slepp…but she was also a very mean and agressive dog…but in your situation when she got hit by a car she probably did something internally…and now she probably is just getting old and it is all just catching up with her…and as for the eyes rolling in the back of her head and the shacking don’t worrie my dogs do it all the time and its just a bad dream she or he will be fine…but if she is having trouble walking and eating problems you should probably take him or her to a vet…any more advice just contact me o0ohk thanxx

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