Is it right to take someone back after they've cheated?

My dad a few years back cheated on my mom, there was a big fight and about a few weeks later they decide to just start over . A new slate , a new relationship.I dont get a long with my dad because I know he hurt my mom and she still does hurt . I just cant talk to him or even look at him like hes a good dad or even look at him like nothing happened. I realize now that even if it happened years ago it effefcts my relationships I believe if you cant trust your boyfriend then there is no way or reason to be with him. But I still dont understand why she took him back , I believe that they cant still love eachother how can they , he lost that trust he doesnt deserve it. Im surprised I still like men..hahaha.

Answer #1

My stepfather cheated on my mum, with her sister

and she still took him back…

more fool her…

oh well love is blind as they say!

Answer #2

It isn’t right but options are limited. Would you have rather your parents got a divorce. I had the same situation in my family. Parents divorced, my dad found someone new but my mom didn’t. So she’s going to end up alone and it pisses me off. but ya, kids complicate the hell out of things too

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