How much does penis / dick size effect a mans "Ego"??

Okay I was seeing this guy, and he is a large guy pretty heavy but he has a pretty small penis like 3 inches, and he is a total sweetheart and everything but I started seeing someone so we dont nsee eachother anymore and he tells me that he has not slept with anyone in a long time, I am wondering if the fact that he is small down there makes his really self consious about meeting a girl and what she will think? I guess this question would be for guys to answer..

Answer #1

it would affect him it affects them just as much as girls get self conciouse about the size of their boobs so he may be thinking that theres no use trying to ask a girl out becase she might dump him if she found out he had a less than average penis but he should understand that not all girls care about penis size its personality that counts after all, a lot of guys will date a girl with great personality, even if she had small boobs

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