How come I look good in real life but im pictures always bad?

A lot of people say im pretty but my photos almost nver turn out well I like to take lots of pics cause I like how I look but they make me look wierd whats the issue?

Answer #1

I have the same problem lol the flash affects my eyes and they go all funny and I look stoned .. lol.. Maybe its just the camera you use or the light where you are is bad or your hand moves when your taking the pictures ?? Could be anything really … Xo:)

Answer #2

Nobody really likes pictures of themselves partly because we are not used to seeing ourselves especially in the confines of a photograph, we are always our own worse critics, you likely look better that you think, none the less, lighting, posture, pose, makeup, clothing choice, etc all play their part in making or breaking the photograph the least of which is the skill and talent of the photographer. Save up some money and seek out a professional photographer to assist you in your goals.

Answer #3

I know!!! im the same way sometimes. my moto is that oictures lie. and they do!

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