a cute hairstyle thats easy to do?

School is always hard but what make it worse is a bad hairstyle that goes with a bad outfit! How can I get a cute hairstyle thats easy to do? Please tell me!

Answer #1

well :D here are some :) (:

1]straight 2]straight with a pouf 3]striaght ponytail with or without a pouf 4]curly [good curly w/ or w/out a pouf 5]curly[goodclurly] ponytail 6]two braids 7]low pigtails striaght 8]highhh up messy bun 8]low side messy bun 9]high low or medium side ponytail [straight]

hope I helped. :D im good with beauty stuff. :)./

Answer #2

I have shoulder length hair with layers and I straighten it and it goes with every thing, I can poof the bangs,pull it up,head band, pigtails, and I can curl it-well my hair really doesn’t curl but still…or you could straighten it but still leave volume in it-I don’t know how to discribe it my stylist does it everytime I go to her.

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