What do I need for a guinea pig?

I’m getting a guinea pig monday. What do I need for it? Food and stuff like that. Is it okay to hold it all the time?

Answer #1

ooh, thats gonna be fun. =] you (obviously) need a cage. a food bowl. a water bottle. food–dry food that you buy at the pet store. also, lettuce and carrots water–u need to get the Vitamin C drops. put around 3 drops in the water bottle, then fill the water bottle. and do NOT hold it all the time. that will stress it and shorten its life span. you should let it adjust to its new home–dont hold it for around the first week… good luck, and have fun with your new guinea pig!! =]

Answer #2

wow aliyah0137 doesnt know the very first thing NEVER put drops in their water it makes them not like the taste and they could get dehydraited get them oranges or red/ green pepers but not spicy i hope the guiinea pig is still alive and another down side with drops is the fact it loses its vitamin c as it sits with the water

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