How to get emancipated?

I want to get emancipated but my parents wont let me I hate living with my dad step mom and grandma I used to live in michigan but my mom went back to jail,and my dad took me back.. what do I do I just want to get away and leave them

Answer #1

You must either be the ‘Age of Majority’: The age when a person acquires all the rights and responsibilities of being an adult. In most states, the age is 18 or have an approved ‘Order of Emancipation’ from the Court: When a minor has achieved independence from his or her parents, often by getting married before reaching age 18 or by becoming fully self-supporting.

Answer #2

My stepson was emancipated from his father and I adopted him at the age of 13. He did not know me well and acted like he hated me until I could prove to him I was not going to try to act like a dad that just says “boy - do this or that.” We are best friends now and his dad says he wishes he would never have let his son become emancipated. He would have rather gone for counseling on being a better dad, stopped getting drunk all of the time, and most of all started being a man and father and taken the family to church. Before you hate your dad, try to be the kind of kid you would be if Jesus was your dad and you wanted to please him all of the time. I have found that the key to successful relationships of all types is to “die unto yourself, and live for the other person in the relationship”. This means, do everything your dad would have you do without being told, ask him for all kinds of advice, ask him to take you fishing or something and at that time tell him you don’t want to go through life not liking him. That he has said and done things to you that make you not want to live with him anymore and now is his time to explain why he treats you like he does. Ask him if he hates you, and why. If you have been a total punk with an attitude - tell him you are sorry, and you are trying to learn to be a man but you need a better example. Tell him you need a dad to teach you about life, and this world looks like it’s going to hell sooner rather than later and you don’t really know how to deal with it because the future looks like it’s going to suck. If you don’t speak proper english, dress neatly, wear your hair neatly, etc. you will probably be poor all of your life. Stand up strait and be proud, and then get on your knees and spend 1 hour per day with a study Bible and get to know your creator. He has a perfect plan for every human that he wants to guide you through every day in order to get to the pre-planned perfect destination. If you would like for me to send you my study Bible I will for free. I am just a guy, married with kids who just happened to see this website. This is the first time I have ever “Posted” on anything. I just have done everything wrong a person can do and have been at the very bottom. My advice to you is forget the emancipation, instead, spend every opportunity you can find in asking big and deep questions about life and getting answers from people who will give you real answers. I would say to ask the same questions to someone in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and 80’s. Good luck - I will ask the Lord Jesus to come into your life right now and knock on your heart’s door. In response, ask Him to come inside, forgive you of all of your sins, believe that he will, and then thank him for now being your God. If you do not do this, then you have a lot of growing up to do - because you know this is right. Take Care - CR

Answer #3

My stepson was emancipated from his father and I adopted him at the age of 13. He did not know me well and acted like he hated me until I could prove to him I was not going to try to act like a dad that just says “boy - do this or that.” We are best friends now and his dad says he wishes he would never have let his son become emancipated. He would have rather gone for counseling on being a better dad, stopped getting drunk all of the time, and most of all started being a man and father and taken the family to church. Before you hate your dad, try to be the kind of kid you would be if Jesus was your dad and you wanted to please him all of the time. I have found that the key to successful relationships of all types is to “die unto yourself, and live for the other person in the relationship”. This means, do everything your dad would have you do without being told, ask him for all kinds of advice, ask him to take you fishing or something and at that time tell him you don’t want to go through life not liking him. That he has said and done things to you that make you not want to live with him anymore and now is his time to explain why he treats you like he does. Ask him if he hates you, and why. If you have been a total punk with an attitude - tell him you are sorry, and you are trying to learn to be a man but you need a better example. Tell him you need a dad to teach you about life, and this world looks like it’s going to hell sooner rather than later and you don’t really know how to deal with it because the future looks like it’s going to suck. If you don’t speak proper english, dress neatly, wear your hair neatly, etc. you will probably be poor all of your life. Stand up strait and be proud, and then get on your knees and spend 1 hour per day with a study Bible and get to know your creator. He has a perfect plan for every human that he wants to guide you through every day in order to get to the pre-planned perfect destination. If you would like for me to send you my study Bible I will for free. I am just a guy, married with kids who just happened to see this website. This is the first time I have ever “Posted” on anything. I just have done everything wrong a person can do and have been at the very bottom. My advice to you is forget the emancipation, instead, spend every opportunity you can find in asking big and deep questions about life and getting answers from people who will give you real answers. I would say to ask the same questions to someone in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and 80’s. Good luck - I will ask the Lord Jesus to come into your life right now and knock on your heart’s door. In response, ask Him to come inside, forgive you of all of your sins, believe that he will, and then thank him for now being your God. If you do not do this, then you have a lot of growing up to do - because you know this is right. Take Care - CR

Answer #4

First I ask How Bad is it . that you feel you need to be out. if you are old enough to work just get a job if you in school join clubs try to stay out the house as much as possible but doing positive thing. but talk to your peeps bout how you feel. but the world is very hard and most of the time people dont realy care and if you have no money or support from someone out side your dads youll be living in a card board box thats if they don’t tax the spot it sits on

Answer #5

Is there anybody else that you know of, that you can move in with?

Answer #6

I am completely living in the same situation. My stepfather is a horrible man and he sees hid daughter as perfect. I acually stumbled across this looking up amancipation imformation. Unlike you, I am 14 and I am looking into getting emancipated with my sister. I have been looking up the information for about 2 months now, and our situation may help us get out. I know that right now it is hard and you are going through a lot, but there is nothing to do unless you can prove to the courts that you are respnsible and you can pay rent for an apartment and hold a job all while staying in school. Things will get bad, and my sister and I are so sick of it, she said that she is willing to get pregnent if that meant that she would not have to live in the house anymore. It may take some time, but find something that will work for you. And do it quickly before you self destruct like I did.

Answer #7

I want to get emancipated im 15 and I live with my mom, step dad, and my brother who is 16. My step dad is verbally abusive to everyone in the house but my mom cant get the guts to get a divorce she is to scared he is going to do somethig stupid. He doesnt know how to be a dad. He has told me he hates me before and we dont get along at all. We fight almost everyday, and just last month my little half sister died and it has made everything even worse.He had my mom convinced that it was her fault when it was only because of lukemia. Now he has my brother on his side that my mom has no reason for a divorce. I really need to get out of the house away from him. I am planning on waiting for another year so I can get a job and a car. I just dont know what else to do so I need help figuring out how I can get emancipated and if my reasons are good enough.

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