Friends cutting hair!?

would you trust your friends to cut your hair?

Answer #1

No. I messed up my friend’s bangs really bad when we were in middle school. I cut my husband’s hair for him now, but that’s different. I have a set of clippers and it’s impossible to mess up.

Answer #2


Answer #3

I wouldnt trust anyone but a proffessional with a pair of scissors in their hand about to touch my hair.

Answer #4


Answer #5

I was sleeping over at my friend emma’s house (well, not friend anymore but still) and we were just chillin and then she said “Hey wouldn’t it be awesome if I cut your hair?” and I trusted her ad she messed it up and I had to go the hairdressers and it was all stupid and I was major embarrest :/

NO MATTER HOW MUCH, you trust your friend(s)… NEVER let them cut your hair! go to a hairdresser!!

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