Should we stay friends if she ignores me?

my old best friend ignores me when shes around her other friends but when they are not at scool she always bugs me to talk to her about wrestling cause she is in luv with a wrestler should we stay friends or not.

Answer #1

Whether you stay friends with her or not, thats your choice. Always remember though… some people tend to act different when they are around certain friends. They feel that they have to make an impression, and basically act like someone they aren’t. You will notice a lot of people are like that, and you could point it out to her but the odds are… she doesn’t even notice it.

Answer #2

well, that would annoy me so I’d start blowing her off and if she doesn’t get the message tell her! tell her she’s a b*h around her other friends and she’s two faced and your sick of it. you don’t have to put up with any of that.

Answer #3

I didnt mean to post it in love and relationships I meant to post it in general knowledge witch I did how did it get here is someone usin my email if they are they btr stop oh I got to go my boyfriend wants me.:)

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