Does anal sex make your butt bigger?

Does anal sex really makes your butt bigger

Answer #1

No it does not make your butt bigger.

The anus is very very sensitive so you have to be very careful when participating in anal play/sex or else it could be very painful.

For tips and cautions - the do’s and dont’s of anal, ask more questions.

xox Sika

Answer #2

No it doesn’t make your butt bigger. =]

Answer #3

No, not true. Anal sex can do a lot of damage so be careful.

Answer #4

^he’s obviously crazy, no it doesn’t make your butt bigger.

Answer #5

ahahaha,, yes it doo ! it madee miness biggerr ! ivee done itt lots of timess (: jusstt be carfull ! -im still a virgin im leavin my v-jj ferr marriagee ! lmao ! .,

Answer #6

Its just a line guys use to get you to use your anus… why would it make your butt bigger?

Answer #7

I don’t know, who really cares…lol…joke

Answer #8

It doesn’t make your butt bigger, but it does make the sphincter looser. A lot looser. You’ll have to wear larger panties and quit eating anything that gives you gas.

On the bright side, you’ll be really popular with the guys.

Answer #9

Haha no silly! It just hurts. Guys just say that to make u do it. Try eating different squading or runing. Big butts are genetic. Ucan just make it toned =)

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