Can I be arrested for false theft reports?

Ok out of the kind of my heart I let some girl stay with me and my boyfriend. Everything was going goo for awhile till she didn’t want to pay us rent of 100$ so we started to let her pay us in payments of 50$ well we started to notice that things started missing form the home. Then on pay day she gave us 50$ and then the next day it was gone. We know she took it. So we had to kick her out. Cause it was just causing lots of unwanted feelings,(as in slap the *) but instead we kicked her out. Well my boyfriend let her leave some of her stuff till she could come back and get it. Well she came back and got it. But now she is saying that we stole clothes from her and that we are not getting the money and that she’s going to call the cops and have them come down her while she says what’s hers. Can she do that by law? Or does she have to have proof that we took it ?.. Really we didn’t. We think that she’s just mad that we kicked her out. And she’ out to get us and our stuff that I ours. So does she have to have proof that we stole it or have it? Or that is her’s? Or can she just say that and they put me in jail? I’m in the state of wv btw

Answer #1

As they say, posession is 90% of the law. If she says you took it, and you say you didn’t, and she has no evidence other than her own word, the cops will show up and file a report, but that’s it.

If you really did take her stuff, you have to give it back. Her failure to pay rent (which is considered a credit risk on your part in the eyes of the law), does not give you the right to confiscate her belongings.

Answer #2

Because there is no proof, law enforcement would see it as a civil matter and not get involved.

She’s blowing smoke…hand her stuff, and tell her to get on her way.


Answer #3

There actually does have to be proof that you took her belongings. The cops won’t assist her in a hearsay accusation.

I do recommend, though, for everyone’s peace of mind, that you just forget the money she owes you and chalk this up to experience.

Answer #4

yes, she can call the cops but if you teel them about your situation how you kicked her out for not paying rent, and about her stealing and taking the money back its likley they wont beleive her

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