What's the best way to clean out your system?

I read your post on how to best flush your system out. So far I think that’s the best answer I’ve seen online and the fact that you are in the medical field makes me trust your answer more. If you can give me extra tips on how to handle this flush thing, that would be great. I am going for a test in a about a week, hopefully longer, and I’ve been off the erb for about week and a half. you said that the formula: me being 180 lbs- I need to drink a bit over 2 gallons of water for my size. When excatly do I start adding the creatine? and what does it do in terms of urine test? I will also take vitamin B and C to add color as you said. If you can recap this for me, would be really great dude. Thanks

Answer #1

my friend told me what she did to get past a drug test…and she took some kind of pill(cant remember name sorry) and she ate a lot of sushi…sushi detoxes your body due to it being so natural, and if you just eat sushi for a week it might get it out of your system

Answer #2

Niacin! 1000 mg to be for sure.. drink a lot of water too. another way is 1 cap full of bleach not enough to hurt you. mix it with orange juice for flavor. also AZO’s work its an erbal pill you can get at wal-mart. or drink pickle juice that will work because of the vinigar or if you have no pickle juice just drink 1-2 tbsp of vinigar and then a lot of water. the last thing you can try is the energy drink MONSTER it has niacin in it and the other vitamins in it will help too! GOOD LUCK!

Answer #3

FOR weed? DRink plenty of cranberry juice(:I passed mine with atleast by drinking a whole gallon,. your welcome.

Answer #4

well my weight is 250 lb and I passed my drug test in 3 days, by drinking 2 table spoons of vinegar with some cranberry juice to wash it down, 1 gallon of cranberry juice, a gallon of water and 2 multi vitamin pills to increase some of the wash up numbers of vitamins from the vinegar.

Answer #5

Dear sss, Of course it depends on the drug taken. If you smoked a lot of marijuana then the THC accumulates in the fat of the body. It can take 2-40 days before it is undetected depending on the amount taken. You will hear a lot of hype about flushing, exercise etc. to beat a drug test…NOT. Sorry, if that were the case everyone would be beating the tests but this just isn’t so. The tests are getting more sensitive and more frequent in the workplace. Hair testing is even more sensitive and is being used more and more. Because everyones metabolism is different there is no way to predict when the body eliminates wastes…If you are doing drugs and being tested at work you will be caught. Sue…good luck

Answer #6

Niacin! 1000 mg to be for sure.. drink a lot of water too. another way is 1 cap full of bleach not enough to hurt you. mix it with orange juice for flavor. also AZO’s work its an erbal pill you can get at wal-mart. or drink pickle juice that will work because of the vinigar or if you have no pickle juice just drink 1-2 tbsp of vinigar and then a lot of water. the last thing you can try is the energy drink MONSTER it has niacin in it and the other vitamins in it will help too! GOOD LUCK!

Answer #7

overload your system with water. just pound your kidneys with as much water you can stand a day. Drink the vinigar with the gallon of water. Drink 5 redbulls(lots of niacin) with even more water. Do the bleach, again with lots of water. and you WILL pass. guaranteed. all of this can be done in a week. I will soon start this cycle b/c I have a drug test in a week and I really need to “study”

Answer #8

Jello, sounds funny but it really works! Mix up the jello with hot water and drink it as is! I know tons of people who do this on a regular basis and never even quit smoking!!! Just drink it 2 hours before the test! Hope this helps. I quit smoking because that is the only 100% fail proof plan!

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