Are hedgehogs legal pets in australia?

I am looking into geting a hedgehog as a pet, are they legal in queensland australia?

Answer #1

I am not sure but you can ask someone that lives there and knows about the laws there.

Answer #2

I live there and I have tried to find out about it but I cant find a full list of animals prohibited =[ I know that hamsters, gebils, rabbits(well there is a loophole with rabbits im not sure about the other ones though… if you are to have a rabbit before you live in qld you are allowed to keep it but not get anymore ) and ferrets are banned but mice, rats and guinea pigs aren’t

Answer #3

I’m pretty sure you can’t have a hedghog as a pet. I had a rabbit too but when i moved back to Queensland we couldn’t keep it but we did anyway :)

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