14 and in dire need of a job

Do you know where a good place to work is (if you’re 14-15 years old)? Like any bookstores…

Answer #1

No, you don’t have to be 18. A lot of places hire at 16 or 15. You’re just checking the wrong places.

14 is a really bad age. Like, NO ONE hires at 14. Child labor laws and stuff.

Answer #2

I don’t think so you have to be eighteen but I don’t know you can check on line but it hard because I 16 looking for a job and all the jobs that I look at you have to be eighteen so try online and let me know how you did

Answer #3

go to calaroga terrace in portland,or its on 2nd by the lloyd center im tryna get a job there to

Answer #4

culver’s highers 14 year olds.

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