Would your hand be big enough to cover my mouth?

I could use a female’s opinion on something. I’d like to write a mystery novel where ironically the female plays the part of the assailant. In your opinion, do you think it is possible that your hand would be big enough to cover my mouth if you had to keep me quiet? Let’s assume YOU were the assailant and you had to keep me quiet from your neighbors. For example, I am 5’3 and 125 lbs. If you had to keep me quiet with your hand, how close to my nose might your hand come? What exact part of your palm would be nearest my nose? It should be noted that my mouth and nose are extremely close together - a mere 1 cm apart. Also, as you cover my mouth, why wouldn’t I have a choice but to smell your hand based upon how your hand would be positioned over my face? Any detailed opinion that you could share would be much appreciated. Thanks so much:)

Answer #1

I’m 5’8 with big hands and I could easily over your mouth with my hand. you would smell it too, more then normal I would assume, as when your afraid or feel threatened your senses are hightened. As so is your strength. And that would be where you would focus on making it believable. you need to make the reader believe that a woman can hold still a man and keep him quiet, and be able to control him without making the man look weak, or incompetent. Afterall most believe that a man is stronger than a woman, and dont want those beliefs challenged.

Hope this helps


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