Can you wiggle your toes individually?

Like hold 4 of them in your hand, and wiggle the free toe? o.O Strange question sorry. XD

Answer #1

lol…I can;t wiggle mine separately, they all wiggle together or nothing ;)

Answer #2

SAME! My mom’s toes wiggle individually, but mine don’t. XD

Answer #3

my big toes I can? and sometimes my pinkie toe

Answer #4

lol nope.. either all or none. xD but my big toes, i can. :P

Answer #5

Nope I sure cant

Answer #6

Yes I can wiggle all my toes separately.

Answer #7

Nope, just my big toes. Which makes sense as all the other four are all controlled by the same muscle.

Answer #8

Without holding them I can move my big toe and pinkie toe. :)

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