Why do so many people want to be models

I’m sorry but newsflash it’s not a glamourus luxurious job, in fact most people quit cause they can’t handel the emotoinal and physicall pain. it is a lot of pain and frankly I do it cause I love it deeply otherwise I’d quit! modeling isn’t about being pretty or famous or wearing nice clothes it’s about being part of a piece of Art like a photo, or desighner clothing( which is art) it sickens me how all these wannabe’s are making it difficult for those of us who really love the art of fashion and acting( for those actors out there) No one seems to get it anymore.

Answer #1

And sinngers too sorry that slipped my mind!

Answer #2

what about singers? and I think that we should always try to do what we want.

Answer #3

I blame the media!

Answer #4

If you are referring to people on this site asking if they can be a model, I honestly think that a lot of them don’t actually want to do it, and they are just fishing for compliments. There was a girl who asked if she can be a model and everyone was saying “Yea you are so pretty etc etc” and I followed up with her about how it was going and she’s like “oh um I dont want to do it no more” lol.

Answer #5

because they dont understand that most models are underweight and are actually told to look “anorexic” they have no idea of the pressure people put on them and have no idea how they stay so skinny

Answer #6

they don’t get the fact that its not real. these pictures in the media are photoshopped. I used to model for a fact. and yes its true. they are forced and pressured that they must be a certain weight and they get worried because they think that being a model is all about being sexy and what not. its not. I think its nasty. I quit modelling because for one, they were pressuring me into making myself look skinny, so girls who are doing this are going to think they need to lose weight till their boney skinny. thats in making themselves throw up and what not. like omg. dont try to be someone you’re not. don’t just do something because you see it in the media. be yourself! I would prefer singing and dancing over modelling.

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