Why did my hamsters eat eachother?

I still have no clue why mine ate each other. I have read its because of overcrowding but that can not be in this case our cage was huge! And three stroy.. Always feed and always had water. The last few weekes before they did this they had been fighting though..

Answer #1

My hamsters did the same thing I bought them couple and when the female one gave birth she ate their children some of the doctors told me that when I touched their babies she smell my smell in them and (in her opinion ) no longer her babies so she ate them by the way my names aquamarine

Answer #2

Did you buy them both at the same time ? because when I was getting mine the man in the pet store told me that if you have one already and then get another one the first one will get territorial and probably kill the new one… He also said that a boy and a girl would get on better than two boys or two girls because they would probably just fight all the time… Or maybe yours just didnt like each other lol … Xo:)

Answer #3

That website only says that syrian hamsters cant live together there are lots of different kinds of hamsters that can live together …

Xo :)

Answer #4

Read this site, it explains under the section Can Two hamster live together? how hamsters are territorial creatures, and will attack if kept in the same cage as adults.


Answer #5

Hamsters can’t live together…no matter what…

Answer #6

and yes I did purchase mine at the same store at the same time

Answer #7

Ahaha. I’m sorry, that’s awesome. They just got so mad at eachother that they ate eachother to death, I guess.

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