Why Cant People Just Stick With Their Beliefs?

Why do people always ask questions like,’Why do we pray becaue there is no God so whom do we pray to?’

   If you believe in something,you believe in it!Right?I mean,its like black and white and no gray inbetween.And if people do ask about other religions,they get abusive or extremely extremely critical.Has politeness leaked out of this world??:(Sorry,just stressed over smthin just happened so if I sound weird or high...well,no offence.
Answer #1

Its funny how much some who don’t believe in G-d feel justified by answering questions on G-d

You’ll also notice that their are plenty of believers who don’t know terribly much about the religion they adhere to. Why do they feel justified in replying to these questions when they clearly have no clue what they’re on about?

If you have such a problem with religion then dont go on the religious site.

This is not a religious site. It is a multi-denominational, multi-cultural site. Amazing how this hasn’t gotten through to you yet. And, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think your incessant converting/bullying is going to change that anytime soon.

If you dont feel that a system of belief should be forced on another, then dont force yours.

If you think it’s your ‘God’-given right to ‘spread the word’, why do you insist atheists stay silent about science, logic, reason and fact? Or Muslims stay silent on Allah? Or Pastafarians stay silent on the Flying Spaghetti Monster? May he who is without sin cast the first stone…

Answer #2

No offence lex icon, but I fond that more people outside of the biblical religion know more than the people who believe in it, which is kind of sad, but comes to no surprises.

That’s… pretty much what I was pointing out…

Answer #3

No offence lex icon, but I fond that more people outside of the biblical religion know more than the people who believe in it, which is kind of sad, but comes to no surprises.

& you’re only half right nasusollirum, we DON’T want to hear it. Ever thought we may of been from that religion & converted out of it. I’m one of those poeple. As for people stop trying to “educate us”, they don’t, but I really wish they would. It’s doing nothing but irritating us.

~~Its funny how much some who don’t believe in G-d feel justified by answering questions on G-d.~~

Oh really, I can say about the same about you It’s funny how people who believe in God feel justified by answering a question that’s not about God! How do you like that? We’ve our own oppinions & experience. When I answer a question, I’m not always preaching against the bible inless the question asks for a personal opinion. about it. When I answer a question, I don’t go out of my way to answer questions about God, I actually try to ignore them inless one just so happens to catch my attention. If you like, browse my history, I’ve actually helped a few bible thumpers out.

It’s funny, bible thumpers seem to go out of their way to answer none bibical questions, such as that of witchcraft, the occult, or athiesm. & yet, you’re complaining at the people who defend theirselves against people like that? Or you get upset because someone decides to do it back? How bout we set standards, bible thumpers stays within bible thumper questions, athiesm within athiesm, buddiest within buddiest, with with witch, pagan with pagan, ect. Oh wait, W.W.W., who really gives a d@mn. It happen all the time, & if you get upset over it, grow a back bone & get over it. We have to, so can you.

Getting back to the question, the same should go for those with a biblical religion badgering those outside of the religions. Not to sound rude, but it happens quite a bit. For instance witches will get badgered to “turn to god & step away from their evilness”. Or atheist are called blind because they don’t believe. It kind of irritates me that people will badger others of another creed & then wonder why people strike back. You reap what you sow. Not saying you’re one of the people, but you can’t expect people to just assume you’re not when they’ve had it done to them so many times by people of the same creed.

As for staying inside your religion, okay, then STOP celebrating Christmas, Easter, & Halloween. Their not Christain holidays at all. Christmas is the Winter Solstice Yule, the God’s Revival from his three days of being dead(that’s where Christianity reaped the idea of Jesus being dead for 3 days). Easter was originally Ostria, celebrating the Goddess of fertility. & Halloween is Samhain, celebrating the witches new years, the day where the barriers thin, & the day of the year where magick is at it’s peek, not some devil’s birthday.

Answer #4

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I don’t want to be badgered for what I believe in so I think it is only fair that nasusollirum gets to voice their own opinion.Can’t we all just get along. lol.:) Sam

Answer #5

it is up to us to spread the word of god, to believers and unbelievers alike we can only pray that the faithless will be blessed with the light. as frustrating as it is. I think the reason so many people are the way you explained because they just are not interested in hearing it and eventuallty people stop trying to educate them. does that make sense?

         ''Educate''?Non-Christians are quite educated.You shouldnt press them and force them to take up Christianity.Just tell them about it,if thats what you mean,but dont get carried away.
Answer #6

I apologize for getting attitude But before lashing out, look around. Everyone does it. More so those of the Christian religion than any other biblical religion, than any other religion. I’m not saying that because I’ve something against them, I’ve quite a few friends that are, but seriously, look around.

Answer #7

Its funny how much some who don’t believe in G-d feel justified by answering questions on G-d. Or that they feel that they are being forced to read or believe in somthing. If you have such a problem with religion then dont go on the religious site. If you dont feel that a system of belief should be forced on another, then dont force yours.

Answer #8

‘Cause people spend their lives in that grey spot. They are neither sure about the rightness of their own belief nor sure about the wrongness of other people’s beliefs. Therefore, they ask questions that would go both ways.

Answer #9

it is up to us to spread the word of god, to believers and unbelievers alike we can only pray that the faithless will be blessed with the light. as frustrating as it is. I think the reason so many people are the way you explained because they just are not interested in hearing it and eventuallty people stop trying to educate them. does that make sense?

Answer #10

“If you believe in something,you believe in it!Right?I mean,its like black and white and no gray inbetween.”

I don’t know about you, but if I believe something to be true, and I’m wrong, I’d like to find out so I can correct my views. Wouldn’t you?

“Its funny how much some who don’t believe in G-d feel justified by answering questions on G-d.”

Really? What disqualifies us from commenting? Perhaps we should follow the same standard and prohibit you from commenting on anything related to evolution?

Answer #11

Nasusollirum it is up to us to spread the word of god, to believers and unbelievers alike we can only pray that the faithless will be blessed with the light. as frustrating as it is Yeah why don’t you stop trying to “educate” us and try the praying thing (like you said) and see if it is going to work, I think you know the outcome to that! You would then know if all of your previous prayers were “really” answered or if it was pure co-incidence, wont you? ;-)

Answer #12

“Educate” You’re not educating anyone by trying to preach your religion to them. You’re corrupting them to think like you do and not for themselves. Just leave it alone. It’s annoying to some people when others ask questions about, oh, why do you believe in god? because they feel that you’re telling them they should, which you are and it’s not right. That’s why people respond by being “extremely critical.” Just let people alone. That’s all. Calling people who don’t believe in god “uneducated” is just ridiculous. Excuse me. Im nor trying to start a fight.

Answer #13

People are raised to believe in a certain way, usually the same way their parents believe. I am not Christian, however I was raised one. That being said, I am very interested in other religions. Religions absolutely fascinate me. However, when a Christian begins to try and change who I am, I do not take to that lightly.

Some believe that must be evangelical about their beliefs and tell anyone who is listening. If I really wanted to know, though, I would ask. I would expect nothing less from someone who is curious about my religion.

So, if anyone wants to know about Paganism, I am here. If not, that’s perfectly fine because I am not concerned with bringing people to Paganism. I believe we should all have the chance to make our own choices in life and we should all respect the desicions of others. Sam

Answer #14

Because there are so many different religions to believe in and for some people it’s difficult to figure out whcih one to believe in. People change. Sometimes people don’t choose their own religion they call themselves what their parents are and then they decide well maybe I don’t want to be a christian or whatever their parents are, I want to be a budhist or something because whatever reason. Maybe they like how budists believe in reincarnation or something. It’s hard to choose what to believe in. Why get so upset over what other people believe in? That’s the real question…

Answer #15

ah, I miss read it, forgive me

Answer #16

Yes,it does I suppose.Thanks!:)

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