Why are parents becoming lazy with their kids?

Have y’all notice that more and more kids are having kids and some have no idea who the baby’s father is because they been sleeping around so much …where is the parents o my bad their the ones supplying the beer and buying the slutty clothes and drugs.

Answer #1

Well I agree that it is the “adults” faults but not going to lie it is all about the society we all live in. I mean if you real.y think about it then you will see that its this idealistic image that younger kids find with older siblings and on tv and on the net. I am not blaming tv and internet or video games for the down fall of society, but I am saying that is where they get it from. They see all the sex and drugs and see how much fun the people on tv are having and they want that. Allso on your side it is the parents fault for even allowing that kind of change to take place, but allso as older teen I can say my parents gave me enough rope to hang myself so to speek. They gave me enough freedo, to try new things and hope that I decide whats good and whats bad. I have smoked weed, I have drank, I have had sex. But they tought me enough to know when enough is enough. I have smoked weed more then once but only at night in a safe place just to relax. I do drink at partys but again with safty locked up the car key and only drank in moderation. I do have sex but the girl is on BC and I allso use protection. Some mabby iits hard for some parents to get that inbetween feel cause they dont want their kids to be bad but they dont want to hold them back. I hope this helps you.

Answer #2

im a teen mum I know both my kids dad thats not nice if your body says you can ave kids then your ready to be a mum and im just 18 I was 16 when I had my baby yes I was a kid myself its still not nice

Answer #3

Teen pregnancy rates are down, not up. Way down. I’m not sure where you’re getting your data from, but the idea that this is happening to ‘’more and more kids’’ is completely inaccurate.

Answer #4

yuo adults need to stop viewing teenagers like science projects!!! were people too and maybe we only act like this because we see how depressed all adults are and we just want to live and have fun instead of waht you did and yeah maybe were irrisponsible but so are you we just have the decincy to not lie about it and pretend that just because were older were always gonna be right and responsible… so you just really need to pull your head out of your a** and see the world how it REALLY is

Answer #5

Is not adults foults, because at a certain age kids know from right from wrong, and they know what having unprotected sex can cause. Because by know is happening a lot, kids or teens know, they see it, hear it everywhere and they still decide to have unprotected sex. So perents may be a little part of the problem but we all have an age where we know what we are doing and what are the consequences.

Answer #6

Well some parents don’t really have high morals/ standards of themself. If the child is having babies this is all to do with the childs up bringing, if they were neglected as a child. Usually when a child starts having sex with many people it is a cry for help, they are saying mummy please listen to me. Also if the parents don’t encourage their child to do well in school the child has nothing to aspire to, resulting in a possible disaster.

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