What should I get pierced? Cartilages or belly button?

I want to get my cartilages or belly button pierced. I don’t know which one to get :s Please give me your opinions!

Answer #1

91chevy87ec is 100% WRONG. Piercings DON’T make you look like trash and you CAN still get a job whether you have visible piercings or not. Get whichever one you like best. If you can’t decide, get both! The pain involved in both is just like any of the other piercings - it depends on how well you handle pain. No piercing will ever be unbearably painful. As long as you have them done professionally and take care of them, infection won’t be an issue and everything will turn out just like it’s supposed to.

Answer #2

I got my belly button done when I was 15. it didnt hurt at all. like you have to lay down on your back then they clamp the skin with a clamper thing which hurts worse than the needle it self. and like 2 weeks ago. I got my cartilage done on my right ear in two places. and it hurts like crap still. its sore. its red. and I am always cleaning it and I even went back to the pericing place in the mall where I got it done and they said it isnt infected. and I cant sleep on my right ear. it sucks. so I could say get your belly button done.

Answer #3

Think about what you want when you get older. I have my belly button pierced and I will always have a hole there. and you have to take it out when you get pregnant.

Answer #4

Belly Button all the way. always cute and adorable! and guys think its hott!

Answer #5

None of it. Why would you want to look like trash? Do you really want to make it harder for yourself to find a job in THIS economy?

Answer #6

Deff. cartilage. Belly button has a much higher chance of getting infected and hurts way more to get pierced. anyway your decision:)

Answer #7

I agree w// venger :b

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