What is thu funniest thing you have ever witnessed x ?

Well x thu funniest thing I have ever witnessed is when one of ma x boyfreinds went to jump off a diving board x he slipped and went in head first x it was hilarios x or when ma friend tried to get on her gigantic horse and she had one leg over x and then thu chair fell over x she was hanngin onn for deer life x then she slowly just slid off x lol x it was also hilarios x lolz x

Answer #1

umm when my friend slipped ova on ice outside the bus stop when the bus was coming, when I pushed my friend in the bush when I feel ova on ice. when my nephew went 2 chase after me and he feel over on the ice. x

Answer #2

lol x

Answer #3

at my old house my parents room was right next to mines and I was trying to go to sleep and I heard my parents having sex!!! and my stepmom was moaning like extra loud!! it was nasty but yet funny!

Answer #4

A group of people were walking towards the direction I was coming from on the other side of the street and one of the dudes spit trying to be cool and all the people were like “eew” and he was turned around laughing and he waked into a pole. I was laughing my a** off. He was holding his head, kneeling down. It was awesome.

Answer #5

a guy in my grade sliding on the rail of the stairs trying to be all kewl and someone downstairs yelled his name and he fell off backwards half way down the stairs and fell the rest of the way down the got up and and just acted like nothing happened at first I was like omgosh are you ok then he got up and was laughing so I laughed at him 2.

Answer #6

lol x

Answer #7

hilarios x lolz x

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