What is a good quote from literature to impress a teacher?

Ok well I am trying to get into an honors freshman English class next year and I’m trying to get in but I hear it’s really tough and like 2 outta 20 people get in for taking the test which is 45 minutes of writing about your favorite quote in a piece of literature what should I write about???

Answer #1

maybe shakespeare’s a bit too obvious. everyone would use that. Try Virginia Woolf - she’s a bit of a feminist though so not sure if you’d want to write about that. Good luck :)

Answer #2

look up stuff from shakepher I had to do something like that for honors and I used something form edgar allen poe

Answer #3

I agree with in2themusic —shakespear or edgar allen poe will impress a teacher…Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?..lol

Answer #4

Thanks but this teacher isn’t stupid and like all these kids have the upper hand since they’ve been at this same school for a year and had the same teacher I need something really unique and impressive like that no one else is gonna use

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