What do you want for your next birthday?

Really random. Ha ha. But I’m bored.

So what would you like for your next birthday? And when is your birthday?

Me? I want a new lens for my camera. Or the Thriving Ivory cd. I LOVE them. ^_^ And my birthday is July 30.

Answer #1

my b-day is in febuary and I want a new camera

Answer #2

MONEY! New laptop! Um a whole bunch of shi* haha

Answer #3

September. A waterbed!

Answer #4

My b-day just passed. ^__^. I didn’t get anything…money is tight. I wanted a phone…but I am buying one for myself.

Answer #5

I would like to spend time with my significant other down south for my next birthday. I’d also like an IPod. My birthday is January 25th. My next birthday, I’ll be 25.

Answer #6

A baby

Answer #7

Mines March 7th, Sweet Sixteen. I’d like a cell phone, since I’m like the only person I know who doesn’t have one..doubt it’ll happen though.

Answer #8

28 of october ill be 14 i really want an ipod touch but they will probably say no and give me absolutely nothing like this year

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