What do I do when my dad hates my love

Ok here it is I am 13-14 and I’m inlove with this boy and hes 16-17 I love him very much and He loves me . But my father hates him becasue I have had sex with this boy and well my dad knows that well my dad hates him and heres my question WHAT DO I DO?

Answer #1

well… when you have sex you are pretty much become a part of that person and with the way society shows sex today is just disgusting and trust me when I say when a person says “I am more Mature then people think I am” and is having sex they are usually fooling them self’s… besides your brains isnt even close to being developed and when you feel strong towards some one and you think its love chances are its not love is patient and if he is so quick to jump and have sex with you chances are hese not very patient and so maybe he dosnt love you or his love is weak if he was to marry some one or you too marry someone else and then you have to tell your spouse “oh im sorry I wasnt patient enough to wait for you” or basicly “I dont know what love is I just thought it was something you felt” now does that sound like love… so I would suggest waiting for a while before you go another date and eximine your self are you really as mature as you think you are? and is he a 16/17 year old realy know what hes doing if he is dating a 13/14 year old…

Answer #2

thank you . and yes I have talked to my dad about this and yes I will be careful on who I do open ma legs to .

Answer #3

well its good you said that just be careful who you open your legs for. a boy could just like you for sex so be careful. please come answer my recent question about my anger.


Answer #4

Promise me you’ll save this and come back in 10 years and re-read it… OR, when you have a daughter and she’s 13 and out of control, you’ll let HER read it…

Answer #5

Okay leave te2amo2bebe alone. I was the same way when I was younger I was 13 dating a 21 yr old. I was very mature too. I just knew how to keep my legs closed. Well I though I loved the 21yr old too, but turns out I didnt. I didnt even cry when we broke up I was happy and extremly horny ;)

Answer #6

Not have Sex at such a young age and listen to your dad you don’t know what love is at your age

Answer #7

Thank you michellekay13 For understanding . . but I have talked to my dad tonight and he has Said he is allowed to Stay at my aunt and unlces place the a weekiend to c how things go . I think he is opening to the subject of lisening to what I feel and have to say . but he is still Edgy about the fact of my boy coming down . Sorry but I had lost my virginity and that was a mistake not with this boy but the one before and I am controlling my emotions much better then The last boy.

Answer #8

Well I am more Mature then people think I am The way I act look and feel . love can mean a lot of things . but I have been hutr once and I no what to loook for at the signs well I no for a fact I am too young but you gotta understand I am Very mature for my age and I no what I am doing . k well I might not love this boy but I do have feelings for him . We fight just like a regular couple does but I have moved away from him and my dad is just tryingt o protect me I understand that But he has to understand my side and My uncle and my aunts side of the story there agreeing with me but my father is not.

Answer #9

ok I know you don’t wanna hear that your too young…that you don’t no what love is…well scrue that =] don’t worry let your dad know that he make you happy and that if he don’t want you guys together that you want except that but what you will do is promise to take it slower with him…now I know your not gunna juss go up to him and say that so just make sure you fighting when you say this

I hope I hepled now please return the favor answer my most recent question

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