Should a teen, who is under guardianship of his basketball coach, be denied from the team because of the relationship?

A teen who went through a terrifying ordeal and is now living under guardianship of his basketball coach was refused his right to play on the basketball team. Is this proper formality or just ridiculous?

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Answer #1

Completely ridiculous. He has just as much a right as anyone else no matter who his guardian is.

Answer #2

I think the issue should be viewed from a different perspective. If he hadn’t gone through a terrifying ordeal and let’s say the coach was his father should he then be allowed to play? I think yes, however another person should have the input of whether he should be included in the team to attempt to make the decision an independent one as the people involved may easily just allow him to play due to feeling sorry for him and not because of his actual value to the team.

Answer #3

Ridiculous. A better demonstration of equality would be to let him play and be treated the same as any other player.

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