Strange dog behavior, possably important?

Alright I have a small puppy named star, she is a lasa apsu. We moved to florida last august and she was fine but recently she has been doing a few strange things. She rarely ever pees or poops in the house but when she does its because noone was here to let her outside and she does right next to the door. About a week ago she refused to go out then pooped in the house and after that she pooped on the patio instead of going out the door to the grass where she usually does. Then today when I woke up she had pooped on the couch which she never does. Aside from these strange things she still acts the same which is happy when playing with us and laying aaround the house sleeping a lot. please tell me if this means anything significant or if shes just a super freak

Answer #1

There’s also the posibility that the “move” has caused her to have some separation anxiety…she might just need more time to “settle” in her new home…

Maybe crate her when you’re gone so she won’t go potty…working towards leaving the door to the crate open when you’re gone…then evtually moving the crate out (if you don’t already use one)…She migh just need a “safe place” to go when no one else is home.


Answer #2

Dogs are (for the lack of a better term) actually really anal about where they go to the bathroom. It should be in the same place, even so much as to the same area of the yard. If it’s changed out where she normally goes for some reason, or if it’s really dirty (poopy) there, that may cause her to try and wait and hold it. Forcing here to go wherever it comes out really. I would recommend walking around outside with her seeing if there’s something abnormal about her normal poo places.

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