stepmom pissed I got a new car

ok my dad bought me first car today I was stoked I drove around town and step mom pulled in and saw it. now she acting like a itch they had to go back into town and I ask if I could check out everything (not drive it or even start it all the way) but she has a itch fit and makes my dad take away the keys because I will supposedly take it and head to mexico I guess and she proballgonna be acting like this for awhile im old enough to drive a car shouldnt I be old enough to be trusted to sit in the dam thing? I dont know got any advice on how to get her to bet over that facti got a car?

P.S oo and she new about it for like 5 days we was probally gunna get one

Answer #1

maybe she is a little jelous. or doesnt trust you the way your dad does. sit her down and talk to her like an adult about the situation. maybe she is just worried you will get hurt. just ask her why she is acting the way she is without insulting her.

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