Should satanism be considered part of the occult?

I’ve researched long & hard & here’s a short summary of what I have found out & my thoughts=>

Satanism has nothing to do with the other branches of the occult, & wasn’t even inspired by any of the occult branches. It was inspired by the rebellion of christianity practically. They can’t even call beltane & samhain(the most important occult holiday) by their proper name(rather walpurgisnacht & halloween- the names the christians gave them). Get a load of this=> Lust ritual: sex magic which includes masturbation, Compassion ritual to achieve healing or happiness, and Destruction ritual (may include sticking pins in a doll; drawing a picture or writing a description of the victim’s death; delivering a soliloquy, etc.). Destruction rituals are best performed by a group. If a person targeted by a destruction ritual is not deserving of it, the ritual will not harm them.

Yet one of the biggest sins is to kill some-one(& they fancy wiccans hypocrites? They practice what they preach. Believe it or not they even have a white candle in a ritual dedicated to the "hypocrisy of wiccans", but here's a question, how are they hypocrites? They preach not to harm none & they don't).

What the religion basically is, is would be voodoo & blood magick put together with the christian belief of the craft, & add in some long term selfishness. Their all famous icon, the inverted pentagram, even represents that. An upright pentagram(in short) stand for spirit over material matter, invert it & it stands for material matter over the spirit, & material objects seems to be what they value most. 

Don’t get me wrong, they’re not all bad & I’m all ears to ‘em, but I don’t believe they should be considered as part of the occult!

Any thoughts? 

Psnote: don’t answer if you don’t know jack about the occult & satanism. Don’t answer especially if you believe them to be the same, If you do than you need to do some hard research, The bible doesn’t count as doing research about the occult!!!

Answer #1

I think everyone needs to watch zeitgeist the movie. christianity, back at its foundation, stole a lot of paganistic ideals, worships and practices. for instance. the tree used to celebrate christmas is a pagan symbol. as is the star that adorns the top of the tree. mistletoe. yulelog. all these things of “christmas” are actually pagan symbols of worship and practice. just stolen from the pagan way of life. yes, thats right, WAY OF LIFE. let’s see, what else. easter, taken from the pagan celebration of the celebration of new life. hmm… new life…jesus resurrecting in three days starting a “new life” go figure. satinism is an abolishment of what pagans as a whole believe in. we believe in the protection of nature and of life where as satanism is a very dark thing that destroys and calls upon a dark entity. also, white candles used in church ceremonies (of the christian faiths) are meant as something of purity. when they are and were used in pagan rituals were used as, you guessed it, protection or of a pure nature for a blessing or other white magicka. humanity has lived too long believing in these false ideals known as god and jesus and he was born on dec. 25th. well if anything since we share basically the same climate of the time (north america) then that would lead us to believe that there is absolutely NO possible way that shepherds would be out in the field with their flock as it would cause the sheep to die for there would be no living food source (grass) to sustain life. I know that me talking about this goes against the topic of discussion but does it really? the occult and paganism has been around for thousands of years before some guy thought up some belief system that turned practically into a form of government. thousands were killed in the witch trials and burnings and you call my kind HEATHEN? yeah ok. go you.

Answer #2




Answer #3

Silverwings - are you saying that Catholics and their beliefs and practices are of the Anti-Christ?

Answer #4

I don’t think they should be consider “occult” because their teachings are straightforward. There is no “hidden” knowledge or wisdom to gain.

Answer #5

Am I right in thinking that ‘occult’ literally means ‘hidden’? Does that help in working out if Satanism counts, or has the meaning of ‘occult’ changed?

Answer #6

leVayan satanism does have a higher being behind it

they have some ‘sins’ as you could call it, do onto other what they do to you generally an eye for an eye, I could go with that, but since I dont believe in any higher being im not a satanist

but I wouldnt consider it occult, I could call it a way of life (or religion)

Answer #7

As far as I can tell, the ‘occult’ is what Christians label anything unchristian. I wouldn’t get too bent out of shape over these labels.

But no, I wouldn’t consider LeVayan Satanism to be occult, since it’s a non supernatural system.

Answer #8

One of the definations of the Occult is:

Main Entry: 2oc·cult Function: adjective Pronunciation: &-‘k&lt, ä-; ‘ä-“k&lt Etymology: Latin occultus, from past participle of occulere to cover up, from ob- in the way + -culere (akin to celare to conceal) – more at OB- , hell 1 : not revealed : SECRET 2 : not easily apprehended or understood : ABSTRUSE , MYSTERIOUS 3 : hidden from view : CONCEALED

I don’t know why Satanism would be exculded. It seems to be very much a part of the word, and the secretness, or mysteriousness is the main lure. Some people are looking for power, and they don’t care where they look to find it. If it is mysterious, dark, and illusive, all the better.

Answer #9

Also remember 99% of the people out there can’t even pronounce samhain & Beltane Correctly Or Spell Bealtaine correctly. . . Satanism is a mystery to many who confused it with worship of Satan. . In Truth (because) Satanism is little more than a worship of Self ( Man). . . I believe it will remain a Cult religion for years to come since many who claim it have no clue as to what they claim.

 Sad isn't it.
Answer #10

you really haven’t done to much research have you? Satanism is barley a century old The older were only considered demons because of the Christians trying to demonize the occult Satanism is just a rebellion of Christianity they practice their so called magic in the Christian view

Answer #11

I think that the older branches of satanism and the occult go hand in hand… most of the old gods of the occult branches are considered demons so… maybe satanism more of a modern day version of the occult…

Answer #12

erasmus27 - If you will do some more study, you will find those things you accuse Christians of… came from Catholics.

They did not come from the teachings of Christ.

Find me another in the word.. where he commands this practice… any of it.

You won’t and you can’t, because it isn’t there.

He teaches love and forgiveness, mercy and grace.

Not killing.

Any heathen practices were also brought into the so called church, by the Catholics.

Do more research.

What you describe as Christian, the bible says is Anti-Christ.

The pure word of God that was handed down thru the apostles..

stands today, unadultrated.

That is how Jesus chooses the ones that will live with him forever…

how and what they followed.

What they did, and what they taught, and how they lived.

According to his word.

Do not judge Christ, according to religion.

He fought religion… on every corner.

Answer #13

They can’t even call beltane & samhain(the most important occult holiday)

Those are Only Sabbets for Witchcraft based religions. . .

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