Should I Breakup With My Boyfriend? Trust Issues

I have a boyfriend who I’ve been with for about 10 months now. Over time I’ve developed trust issues which has led me to doubt the relationship. I’m not sure if it’s my own fears or what. To start off, the relationship seemed to progress very fast from the beginning- he said he loved me just after about a week of knowing me, and told me he wanted to be in a committed relationship with me. I was a little hesitant at the beginning but I just played along for fear of losing him, because he seemed like a really good guy. The beginning of our relationship was really nice- he wanted to share everything with me, and he was so open, which I liked a lot. He always called me to tell me where he was, what he was doing, etc. We even moved in together. All the while, I had so many questions inside my head- I thought he was too much, how much did he really know about me to be so committed to me, was he just in love with the idea of love? And then I eventually found out something about him that makes me question the relationship even more- the fact that he doesn’t have his papers. I asked him straight out one time if he’s just with me for that, and of course he denied it. But inside, I can’t keep thinking and wondering what the truth is, and if he is for real. He already asked me to marry him, and wants to get legally married soon before his birthday in July, when his driver’s license expires. In a way, I feel pressured. If I show the slightest hesitation, he tells me I don’t really love him, or I’m not committed enough. But I just think marriage is way too soon for me now. Can you be really committed with someone without getting married? But besides that, there are various issues between us, such as socioeconomic issues (he has little money to support himself, let alone me. Oftentimes I feel I have to take care of him). I know that I’m not putting my 100% into this relationship because of these fears. Is it me? Also, when we get into arguments (which happens often) he turns into someone really nasty. He uses horrible language at me, which makes me feel really little and as if he has no respect for me. He once said, “Go to hell” and another time told me to get the f* out of here. He once also put his hand around my neck in a choking manner without actually choking me. It’s all these arguements that we have and his inability to control his anger that has really weared me out over time. But then I wonder, did I provoke that behavior? Often he says I’m too controlling over him- maybe he’s right, but I still don’t deserve to be treated like that. So, to make this story short, should I break up with my boyfriend before I end up making the mistake of marrying him just to make him happy? How should I break up with him since we’re living together, which makes it harder? And can we still be friends after breaking up?

Answer #1

I think you should break up with him. I wouldn’t of even given him as many chances as you did. I would of given him one mroe chance after the first problem, then the next time he was out. Simple as that, but thats only my opinion.

Answer #2

Well, we only hear one side of the story - yours - but since it’s you that we’re trying to help here, I’m taking your point of view in mind. First off, nobody deserves to be treated like that, and believe me, if he swears at you like this after 10 months of dating, imagine what he’ll be doing after 10 years of marriage. Then, marriage is not something to be pressured on you or rushed - if he’s in such a hurry before his license expires, he’s clearly after your status, not after you. After he gets what he wants and you’re married, he’ll probably just continue using you - for money, for whatever he can. The whole story sounds very fishy, and you are right to doubt and question it. Marriage is a serious committment, don’t go into it with such a load of crap hanging on your neck. Tell him you’re too young and don’t think your time to marry has come yet. Tell him that he scares you with his behavior. If he doesn’t respect your fears, he’s not worth it. If he really respects and deserves you, and wants you because of YOU, he will understand and wait until you’re ready. Love has no financial or social borders; his doesn’t sound like love at all. I hope you’re safe and happy whichever way this turns out… Good luck!

Answer #3

if you love him hel not pressure you into netin! hel respect your choices and snad by you no matter what

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