How can I prevent razor burn down there?

Hey im a girl. & I like to be completely shaved down there, no trim, no stub, jsut smooth skin..I always get little red bumps & sometimes there ichy, the hair keeps coming back so I’ve been useing a razor & cream & I shave everyday, is there anything else I can use besides waxing or lazering that can give me a nice smooth shave without having to worry about bumps or reddness or any type of annyoing pain? (I dont want to use a elcapilator either I cant; it hurts so much)

Answer #1

just go natural

Answer #2

Hey, you can Venereous Mountain Mist from It’s all natural - the aloe and hamamelis keep the razor burn away and the silk protein makes the skin super smooth. I love it!!

Answer #3 conditioner.use that instead of cream.its a lot softer and so much more comfortable to shave with.

Answer #4

There’s lots of tricks you can try, but it really just depends on how your skin is.

Answer #5

WHat i do is in the shower i after i wash myself is I put soap around the area and use a razor and i might get a couple bumps but really not much. Soap works in my opinion better than cream. I shave about once a week because I found that i get razor burn on my neck from shaving(im a guy) if i shave too often so i let it heal first before i shave agian.

Answer #6

yea just not shave does that solve the issuse

Answer #7

I know this is going to sound wierd but try it. After you are done shaving put Dove Deodorant around your bikini area for the first few days it should help.

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