How to perimeter train a dog?

In other words how to train a dog to stay in the yard? How can I show my dog where he can and can’t go. He is smart and should learn it fast but I just need to learn exactly how to do it.

Answer #1

Well some people like to use a shock collar :/. Not my cup of tea sence i’m very animal rights. You could put up small bricks or a small garden fence so he’s aware of how far he can go. You can also try putting a stake in the yard and attach a leash to it. But alot of dogs just learn if you go out there with them alot and tell them no when they go past a certain spot.

Answer #2

My dogs are on invisible (underground) fence and they’ve only been shocked once that I know of because I perimeter trained them first. I placed small flags in the ground bout six feet apart around the property perimeter and with the system turned off, took each dog around on a leash up to each flag, pulled back on the leash and yelled NO!! I did this every day for about two weeks, then left the flags in place for a month. They don’t even have their collars on anymore and never leave the yard or go into the road.

Answer #3

They actually have a spray that wars off a scent to keep a dog out of the areas u may not want them in contact with…this spray can be found at ur veterinary office and some pet stores carry it…I can’t recall the name but it has worked greatly when I was a dog owner….I do not recomend the underground fences and shock collars due to the fact the dog will get used to it in due time….and with stand the shock and walk on through like haha bitch u can’t stop me lol!! : )

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