Past lives

I’ve seen and heard many documentaries about people who have been regressed and “experienced” themselves in past lives. Is this all bogus??

Answer #1

“To move cells is the “power” of the mitochondria”

No, mitochondria convert chemicals into energy. They don’t move anything.

“When the brain sends electrical signals is it not possible that memory may be imprinted into the mitochondria.”

No, it’s not. First, the brain only sends electrical signals along nerves, to muscles. It doesn’t ‘send’ memories along nerve fibers, and there’s no reason it would.

“Everything in the body functions on the same electrical frequency. Could not some of the memory be transferred with those signals.”

No. Seriously, you can’t just make stuff up and expect it to make sense.

Answer #2

Energy comes from mitochondria in the cells, The mitochondria is a part of every living cell. To move cells is the “power” of the mitochondria, When the brain sends electrical signals is it not possible that memory may be imprinted into the mitochondria.

Or here’s something a friend brought to my attention, Everything in the body functions on the same electrical frequency. Could not some of the memory be transferred with those signals.

Answer #3

I guess it depends on what you believe in.

I believe in rebirth, so for me, I am able to accept it.

Those who believe that when you die you go to heaven or just cease to exist will not have the same view.

Answer #4

It doesn’t depend on what you believe, it depends on what is reality.

That said, how could past life regression be proven? One way, would be if during regression, the person began fluently speaking another language they’ve never been taught. If past life regression is real, and assuming one of your past lives involved a different language, you would be able to speak that language while regressed.

This never happens. People who are regressed as Roman emperors (apparently, everyone was once an emperor) do not speak Latin while regressed.

It’s bogus.

Answer #5

“The theory in which the brain is not the only organ that stores memories or personality traits, that memory as a process can form in other systems in the body and can be stored in organs. It’s not a new theory. “

If it’s a theory, then it’s testable and disprovable. Where are the scientific studies demonstrating this? Anecodes are not evidence.

There’s also the plausibility problem. Why would we store memories in our livers? Where are the nerve fibers, the neurons, that would be required for this? What about the fact that they’re so far from our brains that the time it takes for the nerve impulses to travel there and back would make the whole thing pretty impractical? How many people get sudden amnesia when they lose a kidney?

You accuse me of being close minded, but you’re the one who’s accepted a proposition without any evidence. All I’m asking for is evidence before I accept something as fact.

Answer #6

Not making anything up, I’m just that bad at explaining the human anatomy I I was speaking metaphorically -_- But yes, I did state it does create energy metaphorically speaking it could be called the generate of the cell The entire body does function on the same electrical signal Look at the Dalai Lama. How would one explain the fact that each time the person chose the correct items of “holiness” that were of the previous Dalai Lama. Or children knowing & acting just like long diseased relatives.

Answer #7

Uh, no sh*t Sherlock. Now stop being a smart @$$ & actually try to broaden your horizons for once. Obviously the brain but that’s not the only one. The heart, kidney, liver, & other large organs. Recipients of organ transplants have been reported to inherit personality traits &/or habits of the organs previous owner. This is would be called Cellular Memory. The theory in which the brain is not the only organ that stores memories or personality traits, that memory as a process can form in other systems in the body and can be stored in organs. It’s not a new theory. There’s been numerous reports of this actually. You’ve a computer, look it up if you don’t believe me.

Answer #8

It all depends on what you believe. I’ve been pondering for awhile People who get organ transplant have memories that come from the organ donor. When we die the energy is reused, perhaps it could be a case similar scenario

Answer #9

“People who get organ transplant have memories that come from the organ donor. “

Uh. Suuure they do. Especially if it’s a brain transplant.

Answer #10

We don’t know. I’ve learnt about it at school and there was a certain incidence when the boy really could not have been lieing. I’m a great believer in such things.

Answer #11

I think that pastlives is real I belive in spirits beacuse I can see them sometimes. I don’t know its what you belive in no one can tell you to belive in something that you dont

Answer #12

There’s no credible evidence that past life regression is real. As Toadaly points out, there’d be plenty of ways it could be demonstrated to be true, but nobody being ‘regressed’ ever demonstrates anything they couldn’t do if they were lying, deluded, or honestly mistaken.

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